
Mission Center

Netherlands Church

Central Germany Church

England Church

Cape Town Church

Australia Church

Philippines Church

LA Church

Chicago Church

New York Church

Colombia Church


Country 19
Church 46


Country 2
Church 9


Country 2
Church 2


Country 10
Church 10


Country 12
Church 15

Promised Theology

… that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city [Rv 22:14]

Introducing Zion Christian Mission Center

We introduce you a theology educational institution that is established as promised by the Bible and conveys only the word in the Bible.

The Zion Christian Mission Center, a center teaching the Bible at no cost (Rv 22:17), is sealing those who are harvested with the new word (new song) – the revealed word which is the fulfillment of the prophecy – to create the 12 Tribes. It is the place where the throne in the spiritual realm and God are with.

Zion Christian Mission Center has the highest number of graduates from a single denomination with 108,084 graduates in 2022 alone and 586,884 graduates in total. There are over 282 centers in 66 overseas countries including the USA, Japan, Philippines, Australia, Tanzania, Colombia, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, the UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Uganda, Madagascar, the Netherlands, Turkiye, and Kenya and hundreds of pastors have returned their pastoral certificates after acknowledging the words of Shincheonji as truth.

Just as Moses fulfilled the promise with Abraham (Ex 12) and Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament during the First Coming, the New Testament has been fulfilled, and Shincheonji is testifying to its fulfillment (refer to Rv 1:2, Rv 10, Rv 22:16). Shincheonji teaches the word, which is so precious that it cannot be bought with anything, according to the Bible, for free.

Just as the tree of life bears 12 kinds of fruits every month in Revelation 22, the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji produces more than 1,000 graduates every month and since it says that Jesus is the tree of life in John 15, the graduates who are born of this word of life are “the firstfruits”. They did not graduate from a seminary of the world, but they have completed the heavenly doctrine by learning of heavenly things at the Zion Christian Mission Center according to God’s will.

Zion Christian Mission Center Emblem

But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness [2 Pet 3:13]
Patent Registration Number: 0000731
신천지 이만희 시온기독교선교센터 마크 특허 시온 성경 신학
Alpha and Omega Emblem
신천지 이만희 시온기독교선교센터 마크 알파와 오메가

The Zion mark signifies that it has been fulfilled on earth as it was fulfilled in heaven, and it was created as it was promised in the Bible (Rv 14:1-3). This is just like how Moses built on earth what he saw in heaven (Jn 5:19, Ex 25, Rv 21, Heb 8:5, Is 2:2-3).

The circle means heaven and earth (universe and earth) and rainbow colors shows Mt. Zion, the mountain of the new covenant that Jesus promised (Rv 14:1-3, Is 2:2-3). The high mountain among small ones in the circle refers to Mt. Zion that teaches the new song in Revelation 14. It is the mountain mentioned in Isaiah 2, “In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.”

It is said in the Bible, “Many peoples will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.’ The law will go out from Zion, the word (the new song) of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

The red cross on the top of the mountain represents that Jesus bore the cross for the people who will receive salvation. The open book before the cross is the eternal gospel from Mt. Zion which is the word of a new song received in Revelation 10 of the New Testament. The Alpha and Omega on the book represents that the 6,000 year-long work of God will be fulfilled according to the Bible and be completed (Rv 21:6-7).

Shincheonji won and obtained the patent on the emblem despite many difficulties. This testifies that Zion Christian Mission Center is the Mt. Zion in Revelation 14 that has been fulfilled according to the prophecy. Also, it proves that Zion Christian Mission Center is the owner of the place that is called Zion throughout the world (Patent Registration Number: 0000731).

  • 2024

    Class 115
  • 2023

    Class 114
  • 2022

    Class 113
  • 2021

    Class 112
  • 2020

    Class 111
  • 2019

    Class 109 ~ Class 110
  • 2018

    Class 107 ~ Class 108
  • 2017

    Class 105 ~ Class 106
  • 2016

    Class 103 ~ Class 104
  • 2015

    Class 101 ~ Class 102
  • 2014

    Class 99 ~ Class 100
  • 2013

    Class 97 ~ Class 98
  • 2012

    Class 95 ~ Class 96
  • 2011

    Class 94
  • 2010

    Class 91 ~ Class 93
  • 2009

    Class 88 ~ Class 90
  • 2008

    Class 85 ~ Class 87
  • 2007

    Class 80 ~ Class 84
  • 2006

    Class 77 ~ Class 79
  • 2005

    Class 72 ~ Class 76
  • 2004

    Class 67 ~ Class 72
  • 2003

    Class 61 ~ Class 66
  • 2002

    Class 55 ~ Class 60
  • 2001

    Class 49 ~ Class 54
  • 2000

    Class 43 ~ Class 48